21 February 2010

Book Review: The Silent Governess

Julie Klassen's third novel is definitely her best yet. Olivia Keene is a runaway with a big secret, who blunders across Edward Bradley's own secret with life-changing consequences for them both (not just in the obvious or expected ways!). A multi-layered 'mystery romance', with lots of twists and turns and a whole host of great characters.

Olivia Keene flees her home after a violent incident there. She finds herself on the Brightwell Court estate, where she overhears a highly sensitive conversation. A conversation which, if circulated, could have devastating effects for Lord Bradley. When Olivia's presence is discovered, Lord Bradley gives her little choice but to accept a post as under nurse at Brightwell Court, effectively imprisoning her on the estate, in order to ensure she cannot spread what she has heard.

  • Engaging and likable lead characters, with plenty of light and shadow in their personalities, especially in the case of Edward Bradley.
  • A good 'cast' of supporting characters who are well-defined, well-rounded people.
  • Subtle romance - did not dominate the story.
  • Plenty of mysteries! Not just Olivia and Edward, but several others, big and small. Great for this reader who likes mysteries and rarely reads romances.
  • I found the vicar's conversations with Olivia about God and faith a bit strong, and the approach in these seemed a bit too 20th/21st century for a historical novel. But it wasn't enough to be off-putting.
This book passed a long transatlantic flight enjoyably. I have to say that by the end of the book I still hadn't quite worked out why a three month period to Olivia's employment was significant - maybe I was just jet-lagged - but I really liked this story anyway.

Rating: 4/5

Price: £8.99
ISBN: 9780764207075
Published by: Bethany House (Distributed in the UK by Lion Hudson)
Available through any good bookshop, online, or via Baker Publishing Group UK:

Review copy supplied by Bethany House/Lion Hudson.

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