Despite his reluctance to be involved in the investigation of a murder which will mean him questioning his new neighbours, Alec is assigned to the case. While he works through the official channels, all too soon Daisy is becoming far more involved than she would like with the Jessops - a family who are supplying alcohol to prohibition America. She also has to deal with a bumbling FBI agent, a mysterious and aggresive American visitor, a pair of nosy local residents who enjoy malicious gossip and an assortment of other characters, including a grumpy senior policeman!
I enjoyed this book. The author creates her period setting well, and her characters are well described and interesting. There's plenty of humour, some nice twists and turns in the story, and it all rolls along to a satisfying conclusion. Recommended.
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Price: £6.99
ISBN: 9781845298661
Published by: Constable & Robinson
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